General Missions giving from United Presbyterian Church is distributed to the following mission ministries: Presybtery Mission, Discover Hope 517, Hope Ministries, Samaritan’s Purse, and Road to Recovery. In additional to financial giving, prayer support is greatly encouraged.

The Presbytery of Des Moines exists to connect and equip pastors and congregations to live out the transforming grace of God. Our monthly support helps to defray some of the operating expenses and keep the Presbytery missions and ministries going.

Road to Recovery is a local mission outreach to the community, begun by United Presbyterian Church in 2018 as an effort to help underprivileged people who are facing car repairs with no way to pay for those repairs. As we help to make such repairs possible, we intend to (1) help individuals maintain transportation for themselves, (2) protect car owners from a potential accident, and (3) protect others who might be walking or driving near a particular vehicle.

Discover Hope 517 is dedicated to providing recovery and restoration for those struggling with addiction. Their vision is to create a safe haven for those who seek refuge and want to allow God to redeem, renew, and restore their lives through Jesus Christ. This ministry has grown from a 1-night support group to a community center with 15+ support services that is open to the community over 47 hours/week, saving lives and restoring families. Since 2014 they have had 6000+ Community Center weekday visitors, have served 2000+ weekday lunches, and ministered to 2400+ New Creation attendees. Open weekdays 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, they offer a free lunch 11:30 am – 1:00 pm. Support services are offered every weeknight. DH517 strives to be a bridge in the community. Our monthly support helps Discover Hope to accomplish their work in the community.

Hope Ministries has been serving people in need in central Iowa since 1915. Their mission is to rescue those who are homeless, hungry, abused or addicted, and to provide opportunities for hope, recovery and restoration through the love of Jesus Christ. In 2020 they served 175,963 meals, provided 64,173 nights of shelter, and served 270 life recovery participants. Their services are offered freely to anyone who comes seeking help to overcome huge challenges in their lives and hope for a brighter future. Our monthly support helps to make it possible to meet immediate needs for food, clothing and shelter, and to offer a clear path forward through life recovery programs to those who need the love of Jesus in their lives and guidance out of desperate situations.
In addition to United Presbyterian’s General Mission giving, we are also committed to:

Operation Christmas Child
Shoebox gifts are small, but God uses them to reach children and their families with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. With the world in such unrest, many children (and parents) are frightened, many families are struggling, and many people don’t know what hope they have for the future. Children around the world need to know that God loves them, has not forgotten them, and cares for them very much. Operation Christmas Child is a powerful way to share that message of God’s love, and Samaritan’s Purse works to deliver gift-filled boxes to millions of children. At a time when many missionaries have had to retreat from their fields, church partners worldwide are stepping up into the gap and are ready to use shoebox gifts along with literature to share the Gospel. Shoeboxes are available at United Presbyterian if you would like to pack one or more. Instructions for packing a shoebox, and a list of specific toy, school supply, and hygiene item suggestions can be picked up at the church, or found here: A personal note and photo are also appreciated. If you prefer to make a monetary donation so we can shop and pack a shoebox for you, feel free to contact us.

Salvation Army Food Pantry
United Presbyterian Church provides food items and a monetary donation to the Salvation Army Food Pantry each month. Food donations are collected in the church fellowship hall and taken to the Pantry at the end of each month. All non-perishable items and monetary donations are welcome; suggested items for each month will be listed in the bulletin and newsletter.
One Great Hour of Sharing
One Great Hour of Sharing contributions are collected each year during the weeks before Easter with a special plea on Easter Sunday. Gifts to this offering support ministries of disaster response, refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development around the world.